The Wyoming State Legislature only meets once a year, but a lot of important work happens when the Legislature isn’t in session. We have worked successfully with local governments, school boards, and other governing bodies to help advance LGBTQ causes.

Legislative Interim Committee Meetings

It may seem like all the action happens when the Wyoming Legislature is in session at the beginning of each year. In reality, though, some of the most important work happens during interim committees. Legislative committees meet year-round to consider topics in depth. Testifying at one of these meetings can be a great way to have an impact, and is lower-pressure than meetings that take place during session. You can also write any Representatives and Senators who are in a committee.

School Boards

City Councils

Many of the decisions that impact LGBTQ young people in our state are taken up by our local school boards. Unfortunately, school boards and school board meetings are becoming increasingly politicized, and board trustees are being asked to consider things like book banning, limiting free speech, and decreasing diversity education. Showing up to school board meetings can send a powerful message to young people in your community that you have their back.

You can make a greater difference at the state level than at the national level…and you can make a bigger difference still at the local level. Showing up to support inclusive policies, especially nondiscrimination resolutions & ordinances and bias crime laws, can have a profound impact on your community. And don’t ever forget: communities that are safer for diversity attract economic and entrepreneurial vibrancy, making for a stronger economy and better quality of life for everyone.